GTA Gaming Archive

Ultimate Mixed ENB V1.0

by sam2k737


Category:Miscellaneous Mods

Added:2011-12-12 06:50:06 -0800

Replaces:Original Graphics

Historic Rating:5/10

Historic Downloads:4,517

File Size:2.47 MB

Download Link:1323701406_ulitmate_enbv1.0.rar

Author Website


Here i have brought to you a mod created by THE PROS. This mod is mainly based on GIONIGHTS BEST FINALL. I have modified the enb alot by mixing lots of other FANTASTIC ENB mods together to create one of the best ENB. All credits go to the orginal authors and modders as i have only edited the adaption, enviroment, sky etc. Summary of this enb: *Main ENB: by GIONIGHT *Sirens and Interior Lighting: by NEOLUX *Reflections and Specualr: L3EVO based and modified by me *Timecyc shaders etc by DKT70, DPEASENT3 and GIONIGHT. This mod provides as close to Battlefield 3 and GTA 5 as i could get it (ESPECIALLY AT MID DAY IN MANHATTEN. Give it a try and backup all origianl gta iv dir first. I must stress again, all credits go to the pros above and i have only tweaked and modified each setting to create my own version. Big thanks go to DKT70, GIONIGHT, L3EVO, NEOLUX AND BORIS VORONTSOV. I may tweak more settings to get it even close to BF3 as possible. ******IMPORTANT NOTICE****** This enb uses ver 0.82 CONFIG and has only been tested on Version of GTA IV. Everything in the .ini file is exactly as it was in the images i have uploaded. Mod uses inject FXAA which is also seen in BF3, Ambient occlusion can be turned on or off, i prefer to leave it off as it has a huge performance hit and isnt needed really. Also supersampling ambient occlusion and supersampling indiredt lining are also turned off as i thinks its great quality without. If you want the exact look as in the pics then adjust your brightness as stated in the readme.txt and change your tv,monitor to its NATURAL, SOFT settings as it makes it much more realistic. I think that is all for now and i hope you all enjoy my finishing touches to above legends settings. =] To install: just copy everything into your gta iv directory and adjust the ini file to meet your screen res and refresh rate, THATS ALL!! Computer used in these photos: Intel Core i7 930 @4.0Ghz (CORSAIR H70 Water cooler) 8GB DDR3 Corair XMS3 RAM 1333MHZ 500GB SATA II HDD WD Blue 60GB SSD SATA III Agility 3 (OS ONLY) ASUS GTX 560 DIRECT CUII TOP 1GB OC @ 925/1850 WINDOWS 7 ULTIMATE 64BIT ASUS SABERTOOTH X58 MB AVG Stable fps is around 29-35 with this system.