GTA Gaming Archive

Tierra Robada Armed Forces (TRAF) Chevy Suburban 06

by BlackCore999

A GTA San Andreas Mod

Category:Vehicle Mods

Added:2014-11-03 19:08:40 -0800


Historic Rating:Unrated

Historic Downloads:1,272

File Size:6.28 MB

Download Link:1415070520_trb_pv1_chevy_suburban06.rar


NAME: Tierra Robada Armed Forces (TRAF) Chevy Suburban 06 - VERSION: V1 - LIGHT BAR: MX7000 (I think if wrong please say)) - EXTRA PARTS: MDC in the front and a MCS Mobile Command Station in the back - MULTIPLE LIVERIES: N/A - OPTIMIZED FOR: copcarla, copcarsf, copcarvg - CREDITS: Bxbugs123, 05Bowtie AKA Grim , BFKModzk, Gary Mooney (SEE ADDITIONAL NOTES ADDITIONAL NOTES -Vehicle is ELM enabled CREDITS - Model By -05Bowtie AKA Grim -Edits by 1nickbrick - Parts by - 05bowtie AKA Grim - 05bowtie - Bxbugs123 -Texture by -BFKModzk -Gary Mooney Included FIles: - Readme -DFF -TXD - 4 photos