GTA Gaming Archive

Slamvan [Overwork]

by d4f_mac© & Rockstar©


Category:Vehicle Mods

Added:2014-03-05 20:37:52 -0800

Replaces:any 2 or 4 door

Historic Rating:9/10

Historic Downloads:987

File Size:18.12 MB



-TLAD - Slamvan (org Model by Rockstar) - this pickup looks cool but not enough for me, ;)) so l made few changes and add some extras. - Remoded in 3 versions and few Extras! - change with any 4 door car (two extra seat in back) - back doors also work like usually 4 door car - LC licenceplatte - Own wheel texture - Own windows texture - 8 extra´s by all 3 versons - Cockpit lights - 4 Paintjobs (org Rockstar template in diffrent colors) - Standard Slamvan handling, if you want you can change what you want. slamvan.wft 1100 KB slamvan.wtd 400 KB Mod 1 - round lights in front with modified org grille Mod 2 - square lights front with own maded grille Mod 3 - line lights front with own maded grille greetz, d4f_MAC© - 2014