GTA Gaming Archive

Realistic original handling.dat - EFLC version

by brunodrl94


Category:Miscellaneous Mods

Added:2015-03-24 20:55:39 -0700


Historic Rating:9/10

Historic Downloads:1,765

File Size:16.62 KB

Download Link:1427255739_gtaivefl_chandlingmod.rar


mod dedicated for those who loved the feel of the original handling.dat, and for those who wanted a balanced handling.dat just a little tweak on the original gta iv handling.dat: - all drag coefficients multiplied by 0.1, wich gives to all vehicles a realistic top speed, and mantain the original equilibrium; - all top speeds values tweaked according to vehicle class. fits perfectly with the original vehicles.img, and with a little adaptation of the center of gravity, fits too with modded vehicles. this is the second version of my mod, this time tweaking too the EFLC handling lines. and this time with videos and pictures :) * sorry for english