GTA Gaming Archive

Real weapon rates of fire and physics

by polapop


Category:Weapon Mods

Added:2011-10-27 15:03:08 -0700


Historic Rating:7/10

Historic Downloads:6,661

File Size:2.35 KB

Download Link:1319752988_weaponinfo.rar


Coupled with my real immersive sounds mod found here. this mod took me a few hours to make. alot of gunshot timing with my stopwatch here is the list of full autos rates of fire. M4 720 Rounds per min AK47 606 Rounds per min MAC10 45acp 1152 rounds per min MP5K 922 rounds per min pump shotgun now fires at a realistic speed desert eagle has alot of felt recoil with very high damage 2 shots is all it takes now. so many tweaks and changes please vote and enjoy. as always thank a vet all weapons have real physics no more hollywood flight when a bullet impacts