GTA Gaming Archive

Police Spikes Mod

by turbocoder32

A GTA San Andreas Mod

Category:CLEO 3 Mods

Added:2014-08-20 15:32:16 -0700

Historic Rating:9/10

Historic Downloads:3,775

File Size:8.49 KB

Download Link:1411759297_policespikes.rar


A great addition to any GTA Fans Mod Pack. Since there is another mod floating around with spikes shooting out of police cars , i figured to enable the police to place the spikes on the road. A great addition to any GTA Fans Mod Pack. With atleast three stars an Fbi agent is sent out , randomly , to a car path that you may pass. A spike strip is laid down. Watch Out.! You will pop the cars tires. He is equipped with a Colt45 as well as his SMG. This mod is complete. It isnt active on a mission. Only. It would be too hard to complete certain missions. turbocoder32