GTA Gaming Archive

Nissan GTR 35 stock Sound mod Beta!

by keky911


Category:Miscellaneous Mods

Added:2013-12-23 10:52:49 -0800

Replaces:Futo, Hakumai, Blista

Historic Rating:7/10

Historic Downloads:4,697

File Size:374.65 KB

Download Link:1387824769_nissangtr35soundmod.rar


This is my first gtr35 mod and i like it,so if you like it DOWNLOAD :D this mod has no edited idlle and start If you dont know how to put to other cars follow this: 1. Open Vehicle.ide in Grand Theft Auto IV/common/data (with notepad,notepad++) 2.find name of your car (i will show this on admiral opened with notepad ++ ) admiral, admiral, car, ADMIRAL, ADMIRAL and there are some numbers but they are not important) this admiral, admiral, car, ADMIRAL, ADMIRAL change to admiral, admiral, car, ADMIRAL, NAME OF YOUR CAR in my case i want sound of schafter so this is how it looks like: admiral, admiral, car, ADMIRAL, SCHAFTER If you dont know how to put sound in find tutorials Credits all goes to me Video: