GTA Gaming Archive

New Super Drop Diamond Textures

by LamboFreak


Category:Vehicle Textures

Added:2012-03-13 19:03:13 -0700


Historic Rating:6/10

Historic Downloads:951

File Size:337.24 KB

Download Link:1339966550_super_drop_diamond_textures_v1.0.rar


LamboFreak's Super Drop Diamond Textures V 1.0 If you have any mod requests or comments about this mod, go to this mod's webpage or email me at: [email protected] ----------------- Mod Features ----------------- This mod contains a new interior for the Super Drop Diamond. ---------------- Mod History ---------------- V 1.0: First Release. (March 13, 2012) -------------- Installation -------------- ALWAYS BACKUP YOUR FILES FIRST! 1. Open up SparkIV or OpenIV. 2. Open the file named "vehicles.ide" (or if, like me, you add vehicles instead of replacing them, use the .ide you use for extra vehicles). (You shoud find it under "Grand Theft Auto IV-pc-models-cdimages", that is, if you added the Super Drop Diamond to your game, or if using EFLC, "EFLC-TBoGT-pc-models-cdimages".) 3. Replace the old superd2.wtd file with the one provided. 4. If using SparkIV, rebuild the archive. (C) 2012 LamboFreak