GTA Gaming Archive

LCPD Formal Uniform

by Olanov


Category:Player Mods

Added:2014-07-19 20:52:54 -0700

Replaces:Any ped you wish to

Historic Rating:8/10

Historic Downloads:3,153

File Size:1.05 MB


Author Website


The purpose of this mod is to give you, the player LCPD officers with formal uniforms on for video making, roleplaying or other purposes. It comes with multiple variations such as sergeant patches, different citation bars and even the ability to put on a mourning band for any of these variations. There are some known glitches such as the neck clipping and hands being at a slightly incorrect position but that's as far as I can get without having a 3D modeller help me. I have included a picture in the preview to display how the clipping affects the ped. Do note that specific animations manipulate it to look better or worse.