GTA Gaming Archive

Hover Taxi

by masterofnocrack

A GTA San Andreas Mod

Category:Vehicle Mods

Added:2013-04-11 22:21:29 -0700


Historic Rating:5/10

Historic Downloads:2,240

File Size:577.31 KB



HoverTaxi v1.3 ABOUT THE CAR: This will turn your normal taxi into a hover taxi.Thats right your taxi will hover.and I've tweaked up the handling to make it fell hovering too.The hover handling has speed too.But its not overkill.Even at top speed the car is controllable! and I've also added an Alternate Handling For The Hover Taxi(included in v1.3).You can use alternate Handling if you don't like the Default Hover Handling.And I've fixed the Reflection Texture in v1.3.So now the car looks shiny and Brand New(Look in the ScreenShots!). THE TAXI IS REALLY FUN TO DRIVE AND IT GIVES YOU A FUTURISTIC FEEL! Who Don't Like The Normal Hover One! If you have any requests please say! NOTE: Use The Alternate Handling(Included in v1.3)If you Like to Hit cars and Drive through Lamp Posts without bouncing off like the Default Hover Handling.