GTA Gaming Archive

GTA V Shotguns

by Unknown Modder

A GTA San Andreas Mod

Category:Weapon Mods

Added:2014-05-18 06:33:56 -0700

Replaces:Gee, I don't know with you

Historic Rating:6/10

Historic Downloads:3,894

File Size:2.73 MB

Download Link:1400420036_gtav_shotguns.rar


============== GTA V Shotguns ============== My next one is the Shotguns in GTA V, The Sawnoff Shotgun Made that return from TLAD and SA as a Pump up shotgun from GTA IV, With some Tint similarities to a GTA V Pump up Shotgun is from a Rendering Trailer Poster of Franklin holding, one with his favorite green tint and Actually it did appeared ingame, but not simmilar from the trailer. The Last one is the Assault Shotgun, That Michael appears to be wearing an Swat?-like suit to protect himself during an another Bank Robbery and wields an Assault Shotgun. ============ Installation ============ Download Spark and IMGTools Open and Replace gta3.img Play Made in Phils By the Unknown Modder