GTA Gaming Archive

Forza Motorsport 5 Garage [BETA 2.0]

by 21Ruby


Category:Map Mods

Added:2014-09-28 02:19:11 -0700


Historic Rating:9/10

Historic Downloads:6,614

File Size:53.76 MB

Download Link:forza_motorsport_5_gta_iv_map_beta_2.0.rar

Author Website


This map includes a garage inspired by the Forza Motorsport 5 garage. I know it's not as perfect perfect as the original, scale/size is not the same. Q: Where is Beta 1.0? A: Limited distribution to tester Q: Why is it still beta? A: Because terrain is not finished yet I plan to add a pool in the backyard, beach section and some stuff, also the lighting is not finished (I need to learn about lighting). If you're interested about this I will work again, but it's up to your response and rating guys :) . Thanks to all my friends who help and supporting me. Thanks to: AzR_MaNiiAkixS, IceFluxx, Felix, Hellspawn,Tony Bennett, Ajay Extrememodder, Shortyops, stilldre, Dennis, Metalz War, Victim_Crasher and more. Installation: Edit gta.dat section: IDE platform:/DATA/MAPS/F5GARAGE/F5_GARAGE.IDE IDE platform:/DATA/MAPS/F5GARAGE/F5_TERRAIN.IDE IDE platform:/DATA/MAPS/F5GARAGE/F5_VEG.IDE IDE platform:/DATA/MAPS/F5GARAGE/F5_EXTRA.IDE IPL platform:/DATA/MAPS/F5GARAGE/F5_GARAGE.IPL IPL platform:/DATA/MAPS/F5GARAGE/F5_TERRAIN.IPL IPL platform:/DATA/MAPS/F5GARAGE/F5_VEG.IPL IPL platform:/DATA/MAPS/F5GARAGE/F5_EXTRA.IPL Edit images.txt section : platformimg:/data/maps/f5garage/f5_garage 0 platformimg:/data/maps/f5garage/f5_terrain 0 platformimg:/data/maps/f5garage/f5_veg 0 platformimg:/data/maps/f5garage/f5_extra 0 ____________________________________________ If you're too lazy to search location please use objects.ini to teleport ____________________________________________ For questions and more please visit and like my Facebook fanpage