GTA Gaming Archive

FONIA5 Enb Mixed

by NikosBellic_898


Category:Miscellaneous Mods

Added:2013-02-22 09:05:50 -0800

Historic Rating:7/10

Historic Downloads:2,405

File Size:119 B

Download Link:1361602978_fonia5_enb_highest_extreme_graphics.rar


thanks for Fonia5 i have test it on patch 1040 READ BEFORE YOU VOTE: guys before you rate read careful what i typed i typed MIXED NOT MODIFY i just mixed the visual iv with realizmiv and he's enb as he posting in he's description of fonia5 videos so i upload it for who want fonia5 enb so don't rate down or simple don't even see my mod :) Laptop Spec: - Intel Core I3 M330 @2.13 - 1 GB ATI HD Radeon 5165 - 4 GB RAM Copyrights: - boris vorontsov - FONIA5