GTA Gaming Archive

Eazy E Skin + Eazy E Car

by GTACardio

A GTA San Andreas Mod

Category:Player Mods

Added:2013-05-18 14:07:37 -0700

Replaces:just add "Eazy E.txd/.dff" to a skin img (the car replaces blade3.txd)

Historic Rating:Unrated

Historic Downloads:3,701

File Size:566.86 KB

Download Link:1368911257_eazy_e1.0_san_andreas.rar


This is a mod that allows you to play with an "Eazy E" ped that doesn't replace CJ or Ryder. This also has a BONUS Eazy E PaintJob for the Blade. (DO NOT REPOST OR MOD WITHOUT MY PERMISSION)