Beretta Auto9
by SooSiaal
Category:Weapon Mods
Added:2015-01-15 01:12:25 -0800
Replaces:desert eagle
Historic Rating:9/10
Historic Downloads:4,479
File Size:1.18 MB
Author WebsiteDescription
Finished the gun, now you can replace the w_eagle.wdr and wtd in the weapons image file, so you can ignore the texture replacing down here,also found no way to edit the muzzle flash, so just replace it with the m4 or anything else you think will fit better.
Beretta Auto9 automatic pistol.
I was messing around with the robocop skin but it felt not complete without the auto9, so I started modeling it. The model is not done yet (pistol grip is still a standard beretta one,no real texture yet,needs a custom muzzle flash) But I figured I should post it here already,just to let people know it is in the works. The current version is untextured, hoping to have all the work done by the end of the week atleast.
Replace w_eagle.wdr with openIV or any other editor that allows you to do so
Add robocopgundiffuse to w_eagle.wtd and replace the icon in the wtd with BerettaAuto9.png.
Extract the weapons audio file and edit it with gtaivaud or any other editor, replace all the desert eagle shot sound with the auto9single.wav
Finally for making the gun work like a fully automatic pistol you have to edit the weaponinfo.xml located in "yourgtafolder"commondata
Search for the DEAGLE entry,look for the anim group bit and edit it to this :
",,assets model="w_eagle",,
,,anim group="gun@deagle" meleegroup1="firearm_core",,
,,rates firerate="4.0" blindfirerate="3.2"/,,
,,/anim,," (change ,, to "<" ">"
That should be it! Expect the finished model really soon