GTA Gaming Archive

Ambient Fire Dept.

by Prof_Farnsworth


Category:Script Mods

Added:2011-05-01 17:37:18 -0700

Historic Rating:9/10

Historic Downloads:14,827

File Size:6.47 KB

Download Link:1333732813_fire_inspectorv2.rar

Author Website


AMBIENT FIRE INSPECTION v2.0 by Prof_Farnsworth 2.0 Update: -Added voice and helmets to the firemen, random components for the chief -Water cannon effect is now in place (Big thanks to Mr. Mysterious from LCPDFR team). It does not always aim directly at the fire, but sprays the surrounding area. -Corrected more random event bugs 1.3 Update: Fixed many script errors generated from numerous causes BUGS FIXED: Fixed many of the script errors caused by the player dying or leaving the scene of the fire quickly. -fixed a script error when multiple fire trucks blow up consecutively FEATURES: Any car fire near the player will cause a firetruck to respond to the scene, investigate (look around, take pictures) and clean up (sweep) the area. The fire will also be extinguished. They will then return to a fire department unless there is another fire. INSTALLATION: Make sure your GTA IV is moddable (, asi loader, etc). Place "" into the "scripts" folder in the root GTA IV directory. Play. (You can confirm the script has been loaded if the "emergency" script has been loaded in the scripthook console (default key (~)). Tested on GTA IV version 1.0.7 and with, scripthook.dll 0.5.1 and 0.4.0, and latest xliveless (0.99) KNOWN BUGS: -Occasionally firemen will do their animation while lying on the ground (looks odd) -Firetruck has a tendency to get stuck (Game AI). Leaving the area or blowing up the truck will correct the problem. Copyright: Please do not upload this mod anywhere else. If you use this mod in one of your own, please be kind enough to give credit. Enjoy Prof. Farnsworth