---WEAPONINFO.XML FLINTLOCK MODIFICATION--- by Noentiendero a.k.a. Enforcer Zhukov This mod is based on some Flintlock pistols models, as i know, here are they two models: http://www.gta4-mods.com/weapons/assassins-creed-3-flintlock-f20574 http://www.gta4-mods.com/player/assassins-creed-black-flag-edward-kenway-and-f28840 But those pistols only shoot one bullet, and have to be reloaded after each shoot. So Weaponinfo file can basically be modified, to make the pistol mag has only 1 bullet. So, each time the weapon is fired, it must be reloaded. Not a "great" modification, it's very simple, but i guess the idea is nice. It could be awesome if somebody imports some musket models on GTA IV. ****HOW TO INSTALL: I uploaded the Weaponinfo.xml modification to Pastebin. Copy and paste in your file, replacing the original content. Be sure of making a backup of your original/prefeered file. DOWNLOAD LINKS: -Replacing the Desert Eagle: http://pastebin.com/98WT3u18 -Replacing the Glock: http://pastebin.com/gQWCJx8f -Complete Weaponinfo: replaces with DEagle; all weapons with damage increased and accuracy values changed; 9mm pistol is a SMG (model should be changed to a SMG or Assault Rifle); snipers aims without FPS scope... http://pastebin.com/KvCX8dv2